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Guthrie: A Strong Fort Knox Equals a Stronger Army

Fort Knox is a critical, first-class installation with state of the art training facilities that has access to road, rail and air transportation. Leaders at the base have also followed through on major facility upgrades over the last few years, including unique efforts to become more energy efficient. Kentucky taxpayers have invested in this facility because they know our nation's defense and our state's economy both depend on a robust Fort Knox, said Congressman Guthrie.

Washington, DC– This week, Congressman Brett Guthrie led a letter to the Pentagon in opposition to the proposed recommendations featured in the Supplemental Programmatic Environmental Assessment (SPEA) for Army 2020 Force Structure Realignment.

The SPEA details potential reductions that would devastate the military mission at Fort Knox and our state and local economies.

“Fort Knox is a critical, first-class installation with state of the art training facilities that has access to road, rail and air transportation.  Leaders at the base have also followed through on major facility upgrades over the last few years, including unique efforts to become more energy efficient,” said Congressman Guthrie.  “Kentucky taxpayers have invested in this facility because they know our nation’s defense and our state’s economy both depend on a robust Fort Knox.”

 Supporting Congressman Guthrie's efforts and co-signing the letter to the Pentagon was the rest of Kentucky’s Congressional delegation – Congressman Ed Whitfield (KY-01), Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-03), Congressman Thomas Massie (KY-04), Chairman Hal Rogers (KY-05) and Congressman Andy Barr (KY-06).

“The future of Fort Knox is critically important to all Kentuckians and to the Army as it strives to fulfill its diverse missions.  I’m pleased to have such strong support from Kentucky’s Congressional delegation, which recognizes that a strong Fort Knox equals a stronger Army,” added Congressman Guthrie.
