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ICYMI: We must end Biden’s border crisis to save our communities– Brett Guthrie

Washington, D.C. , July 23, 2024 | DJ Griffin (202-225-3501)

In Case You Missed It - Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), recently published an op-ed in The Washington Reporter on how Joe Biden’s border crisis is hurting communities across Kentucky and the nation.  

Below are the highlights of the op-ed published by The Washington Reporter.

Click HERE to read the full op-ed.

“President Joe Biden’s open border policies have also led to historic numbers of deadly drugs being trafficked into our country. As a consequence, the Mexican cartels and their Chinese counterparts are finding cheaper ways to manufacture these drugs, most notably illicit fentanyl, and are easily smuggling it into our nation, endangering millions of Americans.

This rapid increase of illicit fentanyl in our communities is being felt across my home state of Kentucky. In 2023, illicit fentanyl was the cause of over 70 percent of all drug overdoses across the Commonwealth. This is no coincidence as the amount of illicit fentanyl that crosses the border continues to rise, so do the number of deaths across Kentucky and the nation.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health subcommittee, which I chair, has heard the heart-breaking testimony from too many parents, law enforcement officials, and health care professionals who have lost loved ones to an overdose.

That’s why, under my leadership, the House GOP voted to permanently schedule fentanyl-related substances as Schedule I drugs and reauthorize the SUPPORT Act, which helps to provide wrap-around treatment services to those seeking help to overcome substance use disorder.”

Click HERE to read the full op-ed.

