Congressman Guthrie Votes to Fund Military Construction and Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC,
May 23, 2016
National Security
Washington, DC– Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) voted today for an appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2017 to provide funding for military construction and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). “Today’s vote to fund these measures reminds us of the importance of robustly funding critical work that needs to be done, including funding to process the backlog of claims and appeals within the VA, while also enhancing oversight of how these funds are used to ensure that taxpayers’ hard-earned money is used responsibly,” added Congressman Guthrie. H.R. 4974, the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, funds the VA at historically high levels in order to provide the quality care that our veterans have earned through service to our nation. The bill includes critical funding for mental health, suicide prevention, traumatic brain injury, services for homeless veterans, and rural health initiatives. The bill also includes funding to modernize electronic health records and requires reports on improving services for female veterans and veterans suffering from opioid addiction. “Our veterans deserve the best care that our nation can provide and the increase in funding for the VA along with enhanced oversight of how the tax dollars will be used helps to ensure that funds are used to make veterans services more efficient and effective,” added Congressman Guthrie. “We must take serious steps to reduce the claims backlog.” ### |