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Guthrie visits Afghanistan

Washington, DC – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) returned from Afghanistan on Monday, March 7, 2011, where he observed ongoing military operations and meet with soldiers, Marines and their commanders.

Washington, DCCongressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) returned from Afghanistan on Monday, March 7, 2011, where he observed ongoing military operations and meet with soldiers, Marines and their commanders.

“I am so proud of the men and women serving in Afghanistan, they are truly America's best,” Congressman Guthrie said. “They are sacrificing time at home and physical comfort to work constant danger to ensure that Afghanistan does not return to a state that allows terrorists to train.”

During his visit, Congressman Guthrie met with U.S. troops, military officials and political leaders.  

“General Petraeus and field commanders reviewed the strategy and progress of the surge. I was pleased to hear that the mission, though very difficult, can be successful. We can have a stable and secure Afghanistan. Our men and women are working to make that happen.”

Congressman Guthrie also had the opportunity to see the progress of Afghanistan on a civilian level.

“I was able to walk the streets of a town that one year ago was under control of the Taliban and drug lords. We walked pass thriving markets and grateful people.”