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Guthrie Calls on President to Propose a Budget

For the fourth time in five years, President Obama has failed to deliver a budget proposal on time. A true leader does not put his most basic responsibilities on the back burner, as the President has, especially when the Senate has gone 1,376 days withou

Washington, DCCongressman Brett Guthrie issued the following statement today after voting in support of H.R. 444, the Require a PLAN Act, which would require President Obama to submit a plan to balance the budget:

“For the fourth time in five years, President Obama has failed to deliver a budget proposal on time. A true leader does not put his most basic responsibilities on the back burner, as the President has, especially when the Senate has gone 1,376 days without passing a budget.

“The bottom line is that Washington has a spending problem. Our country can’t afford the annual trillion dollar deficits that have become the norm under President Obama, and we must balance the budget. It is clear, left to his own devices, President Obama will not focus on the budget or our nation’s path toward fiscal responsibility.”


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