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Guthrie, Davis Introduce APPRENTICE Act

Washington, DC– Congressman Brett Guthrie (R-KY-02) and Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-CA-53), chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the House Education and the Workforce Committee’s Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee and co-chairs of the Congressional Apprenticeship Caucus, today introduced the Accessing Professional Partnerships and Resources to Enable Necessary Training and Improve Career Education (APPRENTICE) Act.

The APPRENTICE Act would establish a $50 million grant program to expand apprenticeships. Under the APPRENTICE Act, grants would be awarded to organizations who administer state- or federally-recognized apprenticeship programs. The funds could be used to train personnel who supervise and educate apprentices, to publicize quality apprenticeship programs, to review apprentice applications, and to align apprenticeship curricula with local Career and Technical Education programs.

The APPRENTICE Act would also direct the Department of Labor to improve the navigability of the department’s database that lists existing registered apprenticeships and would require increased coordination between the Department of Labor and the Department of Education in publicizing apprenticeships.

“Apprenticeships are an excellent way for students and workers to earn money while learning valuable skills,” said Guthrie. “I have met with countless Kentucky employers who need skilled workers, and apprenticeships play an important role in bridging this ‘skills gap’ so that potential employees can learn the technical skills needed for the jobs that are available. I was proud to join with Congresswoman Susan Davis to introduce the APPRENTICE Act, which will help improve apprenticeship programs while increasing awareness of this great option for those looking to advance their careers.”

"This bill answers the call that I have heard from countless businesses and students in San Diego- to expand quality apprenticeship,” said Davis.“Apprenticeships need to be a part of the conversation as families gather around the dinner table to discuss career pathways for students. I’m proud that this bipartisan bill will increase federal investments in apprenticeship programs across the country."

Guthrie and Davis formed the Apprenticeship Caucus this springto look at ways Congress can support apprenticeships as a means to help people enter the workforce. The Apprenticeship Caucus now has 23 members from both sides of the aisle and who represent diverse districts around the country. They held their first official event, a roundtable discussion with stakeholders, last week.

