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Guthrie Introduces Higher Education Reform Legislation

Washington, DC– Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee’s Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee, today with full committee chairwoman Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC-05) introduced the Promoting Real Opportunity, Success, and Prosperity through Education Reform (PROSPER) Act.

The PROSPER Act reforms the Higher Education Act of 1965 by providing more avenues for students to access and complete postsecondary education while simplifying, streamlining, and increasing student aid options.

“I was proud to join Chairwoman Foxx today to introduce the PROSPER Act, a historic bill that will make it easier for students to get the education that they seek as part of the American Dream,” said Guthrie. “Education and technology have changed so much not only since the Higher Education Act first passed in 1965, but even since 2008, the last time it was reauthorized. I hear from college graduate constituents who are saddled with thousands of dollars of debt or from would-be students who don’t have time for the typical four year degree. There are six million unfilled jobs in this country, and we need to make sure students and prospective students have access to the right education matching the skills they need to get those jobs.”

“The commonsense reforms we have introduced within the PROSPER Act will transform an outdated higher education system to fit the needs of the modern economy, expand and equip institutions with the tools they need to prepare the workforce of tomorrow,” said Chairwoman Foxx.“Rep. Guthrie has been instrumental in his leadership as chairman of the Higher Education and Workforce Development subcommittee as members of the committee have created these solutions. I want to thank him for his leadership and continued commitment to students and families who will benefit from reforms in the PROSPER Act.”

The PROSPER Act will:

· Promote innovation, access, and completion of postsecondary education by providing a Pell Grant bonus for students who take enough credits to put them on track to graduate on time—making it easier for low-income, at-risk, and minority students to attend school—and by expanding industry-led “earn-and-learn” programs.

· Simplify and improve student aid by streamlining student aid programs into one grant program, one loan program, and one work-study program.

· Empower students and families to make informed decisions by enhancing financial aid counseling, improving early awareness of federal financial aid options for students in high school, and creating a College Dashboard website with key information about colleges and universities.

· Ensure strong accountability and a limited federal role by strengthening the accreditation process and eliminating burdensome federal regulations that limit student choice and stifle innovation.


More information about the PROSPER Act can be found at

