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Guthrie: We Must Ensure Future Generations Have the Opportunity for Greatness

Congressman Brett Guthrie today issued the following statement in response to President Obama's State of the Union address:

Washington, DCCongressman Brett Guthrie today issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address:

“Tonight, on the anniversary of President Lincoln’s birth, I was hopeful that President Obama would outline his plan to try to work with the House and Senate to address the looming problems our nation faces. Instead, I heard a laundry list of priorities that not only cost billions of dollars in new spending, but do not address our country’s core ailments.

 “Our economic climate is cause for serious concern. Hard-working Americans continue to face unemployment and our economy is growing at a slow rate. Crushing federal debt hangs over future generations with no relief in sight.  Our entitlement programs are growing at rapid rates that threaten their sustainability.  This is not the American Dream we have promised to our children.  We must control spending, balance our budget and put our nation back on a path toward a brighter future.

“In addition to shoring up our fiscal situation, I agree with the President that we must place a focus on jobs. Millions of Americans still struggle to find employment, and through job training and investment in a strong workforce we can help put people back to work in better, higher-paying jobs. 

“The challenges we face are great, but so is the American spirit. Together, we can tackle these issues and ensure future generations have the opportunity for greatness.”
