Guthrie Supports REINS Act
Washington, DC,
July 28, 2015
From farmers to manufacturers to school cafeteria employees, Kentuckians worry about the growing number of regulations and how crippling they can be. The REINS Act takes steps to ensure that no major regulation is implemented without the approval of Congress, said Congressman Guthrie.
Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) voted in support of H.R. 427, the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2015. “Burdensome regulations continue to be one of the top issues I hear about from Kentuckians in a variety of industries,” said Congressman Guthrie. “From farmers to manufacturers to school cafeteria employees, Kentuckians worry about the growing number of regulations and how crippling they can be. The REINS Act takes steps to ensure that no major regulation is implemented without the approval of Congress.” H.R. 427 requires agencies to submit all proposed regulations with an economic impact valued at $100 million or more to Congress for a vote. Congress is required to adopt a joint resolution within 70 legislative days or the regulation will not take effect. During the first six years of the Obama Administration, federal regulators added an average of 81 new major regulations each year – totaling nearly 500 major regulations. In 2012, the federal government set a record for the amount of costs imposed by new regulations, with the regulations for that single year estimated at more than $215 billion. “This commonsense bill has been introduced in Congress for the past several years as an attempt to combat the burdensome, endless federal regulations. Job creation continues to be stifled because of the many unnecessary and costly regulations. I am proud to once again vote in support of this measure,” added Congressman Guthrie. ### |