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Guthrie Supports Bills to Secure Border, Address Border Crisis

The crisis at the border is unacceptable, but we must ensure humane treatment of these children as we seek to return them to their home countries. Today's legislation addresses the immediate security problem with existing funds - not by providing a blank check at the taxpayer's expense, said Congressman Guthrie.

Washington, DC -Congressman Brett Guthrie voted tonight in support of two bills to address the crisis at the U.S.-Mexican border.

"The crisis at the border is unacceptable, but we must ensure humane treatment of these children as we seek to return them to their home countries," said Congressman Guthrie.  "Today’s legislation addresses the immediate security problem with existing funds - not by providing a blank check at the taxpayer's expense."

This legislation provides resources to the Department of Homeland Security to bolster security and increases the National Guard's presence at the border, and expedites the return of the children to their home countries.

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office states that the legislation will "reduce the number of children present in the United States receiving means-tested federal benefits."

"Securing the border is of the utmost importance, and must be done immediately so we can properly enforce existing laws," said Congressman Guthrie.

"These children need to be treated humanely and sent home to their families. We cannot send the signal that our nation doesn't enforce our laws, which only encourages more illegal immigration," added Congressman Guthrie.
