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Guthrie Named "Taxpayer Hero" By Citizens Group

Washington, DC – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) was named a "Taxpayer Hero" by the Council of Citizens Against Government Waste. The group says they have examined the congressional voting record for the second session of the 111th Congress and

Washington, DC – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) was named a “Taxpayer Hero” by the Council of Citizens Against Government Waste. The group says they have examined the congressional voting record for the second session of the 111th Congress and judged that Congressman Guthrie has stood up for American taxpayers on key issues. 

The group’s website says they evaluate which members of Congress deliver on promises of fiscal responsibility, and determine which members stand up for taxpayers on important tax, spending, transparency and accountability measures.

“I have pledged to the people of Kentucky’s second district that I will stand up for greater accountability and fiscal responsibility in Washington, and that’s what I am working to do every single day,” Congressman Guthrie said. “I have voted for the largest spending cuts in federal government history and for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and I will continue to fight to get our fiscal house in order.”

Congressman Guthrie added, “It is imperative that we restrain spending, keep the tax burden low on families and small businesses, and reign in burdensome regulations that prevent jobs from being created in Kentucky. My mission is to restore America’s competitive edge in the world economy, and to do that we must eliminate waste in the federal budget and get our national debt under control.”