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Guthrie Opposes Debt Limit Increase Without Major Spending Cuts

Washington, DC – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) released the following statement May 31, 2011, on his vote against raising the debt limit. President Barack Obama's proposed "clean debt ceiling increase" would raise the national debt without offering any reforms to reduce the deficit.

"It is absolutely unacceptable for Congress to vote to increase the national debt without including binding, immediate, and far-reaching spending reductions.”  

Washington, DC Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) released the following statement today, May 31, 2011, on his vote against raising the debt limit. President Barack Obama’s proposed “clean debt ceiling increase” would raise the national debt without offering any reforms to reduce the deficit.

“I’m glad that some of my Democratic colleagues joined me in bipartisan opposition to the President’s zero accountability plan to continue Washington’s addiction to overspending.
“It is absolutely unacceptable for Congress to vote to increase the national debt without including binding, immediate, and far-reaching spending reductions.  
“We currently borrow 42 cents of each dollar we spend. This is absolutely irresponsible. We must take this moment to act decisively to rein in spending. We cannot continue to recklessly spend today so that our children and grandchildren can pick-up the bill tomorrow.”

“Our $14 trillion deficit is a national security risk that holds our entire economy, as well as the health and welfare of future generations, hostage. It is irresponsible to increase the national debt without dramatic changes that put us back on the path towards a balanced budget.”