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Guthrie: Fiscal sanity needs to start today

Washington, DC – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) released the following statement Thursday, February 4, 2010, on his vote against raising the debt limit to $1.9 trillion, the largest increase in history.

Washington, DC Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) released the following statement Thursday, February 4, 2010, on his vote against raising the debt limit by $1.9 trillion, the largest increase in history:

“This is the third time I have voted against raising the debt limit since I was sworn into office.

“I ran for Congress because I believed we must reign in Washington’s absurd spending habits and the out-of-control deficit. At that time, we were looking at a $400 billion deficit, which was hard to grasp.

“Now, we are talking in the trillions with the president’s proposed budget running up the debt to $1.3 trillion; the interest alone on this will be nearly $6 trillion over the next decade. 

“Fiscal sanity needs to start today. We cannot borrow, spend and tax our way back to a growing economy and certainly cannot leave this huge burden on future generations.”