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Guthrie Joins Colleagues to Urge President's Debt Commission to Reject National Sales Tax

Washington, DC – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) joined 154 House Republicans, led by Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA), in sending a letter to the president's debt commission asking the members to reject a job-killing value-added tax (VAT).

Washington, DC – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) joined 154 House Republicans, led by Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA), in sending a letter to the president’s debt commission asking the members to reject a job-killing value-added tax (VAT). 

Congressman Guthrie took to the House floor yesterday to urge President Obama to reject this European-style tax that wouldn’t replace income taxes in this country – it would be on top of them.

“The value added tax is essentially just a national sales tax that hits everyone who buys any goods, which will cost American families thousands of dollars,” Guthrie said.

At a time when 15 million Americans remain unemployed and many more are struggling to make ends meet, President Obama and the Majority in Congress continue to advocate for policies that increase taxes and add more government spending, both of which are already out of control.

The solution is not taking more taxes from the American people – the answer is fiscal discipline in Washington, DC 

The letter notes that the VAT - which has been imposed in 150 countries - has failed to stem the rising tide of deficits and debt that are engulfing much of Europe.  Sold as a means of matching revenue to spending, the VAT tax has only served to finance a permanent expansion of government in Europe, the growth of which never seems to abate.

To view the full text and/or video of the congressman’s remarks from yesterday, please visit:,24&itemid=685

To view a copy of the letter, please visit: