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Guthrie: ÔWe must continue to be focused on economic growth'

Washington, DC – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) released the following statement, Friday, December 17, 2010, after voting yes on the Middle Class Tax Relief Act.

Washington, DC – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) released the following statement, Friday, December 17, 2010, after voting yes on the Middle Class Tax Relief Act.

“While this deal is not perfect, we must continue to be focused on economic growth and I was pleased we could work together to protect Americans from the largest tax increase in history.

“Not passing this bill would have ensured a job-killing $3.8 trillion tax increase come January 1, having a disastrous effect on the economy and small businesses who, during this tough economic climate, are looking for reassurances to invest and hire. 

“This bill provides security for many of Kentucky’s small businesses and family-owned farms by including a death tax compromise that increases the exemption amount and decreases the tax amount.

“This is just a first step in our push for policies that create jobs, cut spending and help put an end to some of the uncertainty for small businesses and hard working Americans.”

“We will continue down this path next year when the Republican Majority takes office in January as we work to repeal and replace the job-killing health care law, try to put an end to the president’s national energy tax, and fulfill our pledge to return discretionary non-defense spending back to pre-stimulus and pre-bailout levels.”