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Guthrie Responds to the Latest Biden-Harris Policy that Increases Monthly Premiums and Decreases Access to Life-Saving Therapies for Seniors

Washington, D.C. , August 15, 2024 | DJ Griffin (202-225-3501)

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), Chairman of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, released the following statement after the Biden-Harris administration released the first round of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) negotiated drug prices:

“Don’t be fooled by Biden and Harris’ talking points today, seniors are not better off from today’s announcement. It’s important to know that their far-left government drug price controls regime has already resulted in significant increases in monthly premiums for seniors’ prescription drug benefits, less access to future life-saving cures, and most likely less access to the life-saving therapies they currently take, which means there’s no guarantee seniors will even see these savings. Addressing the high costs of prescription drugs is an essential priority for Congress, but cannot be done in a way that crushes innovation and creates more instability for seniors on fixed incomes,” said Congressman Guthrie.
