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Guthrie Votes in Support of Americans’ Right to Have Gas Appliances

Washington, D.C. , May 7, 2024 | DJ Griffin (202-225-3501)
Tags: Energy

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), who serves as a senior member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, released the following statement after voting for Rep. Debbie Lesko’s (AZ-08) H.R. 6192, the Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act

“This afternoon I was proud to vote alongside my Energy & Commerce Committee colleagues in support of Americans’ freedom to make their own decisions. In just the last four years, the Biden administration has used unnecessary rules and top-down mandates to control the lives of everyday Americans. This bill helps to end the Biden administration’s regulatory assault on American innovation and hard-working households by prohibiting the Secretary of Energy from banning any product based on the type of fuel it may use. As Americans continue to pay more for energy under this administration, we cannot continue to limit what appliances we use in our homes,” said Congressman Guthrie.  



H.R. 6192 the Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act will protect Americans ability to purchase whatever appliances they see fit. Specifically, this bill will:

  • Eliminating unnecessary and duplicative rulemaking requirements.
  • Protecting affordability by requiring the Department of Energy (DOE) to consider the cost to low-income households and the full-life cycle cost of appliances when determining if the new standard is economically justified.
  • Authorizing the Secretary of Energy to amend or revoke a standard if it increases costs for consumers, does not result in significant energy or water savings, is not technologically feasible, or results in the unavailability of product.
  • Establishing minimum thresholds for energy or water savings that must be achieved before imposing new standards.
  • Prohibiting the Secretary of Energy from banning products based on what type of fuel that product uses (no natural gas bans).
