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Guthrie Resolution Renews Call for U.S. Energy Dominance

Washington, February 23, 2023 | S.K. Bowen (202-225-3501)
Tags: Energy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), who serves on the Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, introduced a resolution to reaffirm U.S. energy dominance by continuing to prevent export restrictions on crude oil or other petroleum products from the United States.

In 2015, Guthrie voted to lift restrictions on crude oil exports on a bipartisan basis. After removing these restrictions, more investments have been made to produce American-made energy, and the U.S. benefited from new domestic jobs, a boost to economic development, and reduced reliance on other countries for energy needs. In 2019, the U.S. also became a net exporter of petroleum products, which was the first time in nearly seven decades.

“Becoming dependent on foreign dictators for Americans’ energy needs is not the path forward our country should take. My resolution reaffirms the decision Congress made on a bipartisan basis in 2015 to allow U.S. crude oil exports, which contributed to America becoming a global energy superpower and created new jobs and economic opportunity in the U.S. If export restrictions are put in place again, this will weaken our country’s energy infrastructure, resulting in our country becoming more dependent on foreign countries for our energy needs and higher prices at the gas pump. While I support innovation and an all-the-above energy strategy to reduce emissions, fossil fuels remain critical to our energy security and to ensuring Americans have access to reliable and affordable energy,” said Guthrie.

Click HERE for the resolution text.
