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Guthrie, Riley Share Resources for Tornado Damage Available to Individuals in Barren County with New Designation

Washington, December 27, 2021 | S.K. Bowen (202-225-3501)

GLASGOW, KY – Congressman Brett Guthrie (R-KY) and State Representative Steve Riley (R-Glasgow) released the following statements on Barren County being added to the to the Major Disaster Declaration for the Commonwealth of Kentucky and federal resources available.

Guthrie, Riley, Emergency Management Agency Director Tracy Shirley, and Mike Reid with FEMA survey tornado damage in Barren County

“As their federal representative, I was happy to advocate on behalf of Barren County to FEMA for access to federal resources that are granted under a Major Disaster Declaration. It was truly a team effort with State Rep. Riley and other community leaders in Barren County to secure this designation. This was a unique case due to most of the damage being largely focused on a corner of Barren County in Cave City and Park City. Steve and I surveyed the damage firsthand last week, so I know these resources are greatly needed. I want to thank Steve and other members of the community for their leadership, in addition to FEMA officials for acting quickly on our request. I encourage eligible individuals and businesses to apply for this federal assistance, and please do not hesitate to reach out to my office if you have any questions. I will continue to advocate for this federal assistance for other counties in Kentucky’s Second District impacted by the tornadoes,” said Guthrie.

“As we learned more and more about the damage caused by the storms on December 10 and 11, it became clear that our community needs this declaration to access federal resources. I appreciate Congressman Guthrie’s efforts to have Barren County added to the disaster declaration and look forward to continuing to work with all levels of government to help our area recover and rebuild,” said Riley.

Guthrie, Riley, Barren County Judge/Executive Michael Hale, Emergency Management Agency Director Tracy Shirley, Park City Mayor Larry Poteet, and Cave City Mayor Pro-Tem Robert Smith helped successfully advocate for the addition of Barren County to the Major Disaster Declaration for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This designation, which was announced on December 22, 2021, unlocks additional federal resources for individuals and businesses in Barren County.

Below is information on federal assistance programs:

FEMA Individual Assistance

FEMA Individual Assistance can provide mass care & emergency assistance, crisis counseling assistance, disaster unemployment assistance, disaster legal services, disaster case management, assistance for uninsured or underinsured needs or expenses, and housing assistance for homeowners and renters.

Individuals can apply for FEMA individual assistance by directly contacting FEMA by:

  • Calling 800-621-FEMA (3362), or;
  • Visiting, or;
  • Downloading the FEMA App at or through their mobile provider’s application store.
  • If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability and use a Text Telephone (TTY), you may call 800-462-7585.
  • If you use 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS), please use the standard toll-free FEMA Helpline at 1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362).

The deadline for individuals from Barren County to apply for this assistance is February 11, 2022.


Individuals from Barren County who apply for disaster assistance from FEMA may also be referred to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) with information on how to apply for a disaster loan. Click HERE for information on Disaster Loan Assistance.

Individuals may apply by:

  • Using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via the SBA’s secure website at
  • Submitting paper applications may be requested by calling the SBA Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 (800-877-8339 TTY) or by emailing to

The filing deadline to return applications for physical property damage is February 10, 2022.

Businesses in Barren County can also apply for Economic Injury Disaster Loans through the Small Business Administration. Click HERE for more information.

USDA Assistance Programs

Barren County is eligible for Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) Emergency Disaster Loan Program. Click HERE for information on FSA programs. Individuals can reach out to their local FSA office to find out what programs are available to them. Barren County’s FSA office number is (270) 629-2081.
