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Guthrie Statement on Continuing Resolution

Washington, December 2, 2021 | S.K. Bowen (202-225-3501)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) released the following statement after voting against the continuing resolution to temporarily fund the government to February 18, 2022.

“Today’s continuing resolution to temporarily fund the government to February adds to the growing list of failures by Democrats in Congress. Not only have Democrats failed to put together a budget, but they also stalled on passing legislation to fund our national defense as the shot clock is expiring. Under the Biden Administration and Democrats’ leadership in Congress, Kentuckians are facing rising costs on everyday goods due to inflation, paying more than a dollar per gallon for gas compared to last year, and seeing the impact of the supply chain crisis firsthand. House Democrats also recently voted to raise taxes on small businesses and President Biden is pushing overreaching COVID-19 vaccine mandates as these job creators in our communities are trying to recover from COVID-19 and are dealing with workforce shortages. I will continue to vote against Democrats’ reckless policies,” said Guthrie.
