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Guthrie: Partisan Election Bill Is Written By And For The Benefit Of Politicians

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) released the following statement after voting against H.R. 1, House Democrats’ partisan election bill.

“House Democrats think it’s a good idea to use taxpayer dollars for their political campaigns during the current public health emergency,” said Guthrie. “House Democrats also want to take away power to make certain decisions on how to run elections away from state and local governments and give it to bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. While I believe we need to protect the integrity of our elections, I do not think federalizing our elections is the solution, and the U.S. Constitution gives state and local governments the primary authority to run elections. This partisan election bill is written by and for the benefit of politicians, and I hope House Democrats change their course this Congress and start working with Republicans on important issues to help all Americans.”
