Guthrie Votes for Families First Coronavirus Response Act
March 14, 2020
Health Care
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) today released the following statement after voting for the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. “I am glad that Republicans and Democrats were able to come together to respond to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. This bill will increase testing capabilities across the country. This bill also includes emergency measures to ensure that employees can take sick leave and that children have access to food services. I commend President Trump for declaring a National Emergency and Governor Beshear for declaring a State of Emergency. These measures will help ensure that Kentuckians have additional resources to combat the coronavirus. “We must now do everything we can to protect ourselves and our communities from the further spread of the coronavirus. Please stay home if you are sick. You must continue to practice good hygiene. Avoid large gatherings and crowds. And I cannot emphasize this enough: The elderly and people with compromised immune systems should stay home as much as possible. “My office stands ready to help any Second District residents who need assistance. Together, we will get through this.” President Trump indicated Friday that he would sign the Families First Coronavirus Response Act into law. Congressman Guthrie’s website has been updated with coronavirus resources. Click here for the new page on his official website.
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