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Guthrie Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Apprenticeship Opportunities

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), co-chair of the Congressional Apprenticeship Caucus, along with Representatives Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Drew Ferguson (R-GA), and Susan Davis (D-CA), this week introduced the bipartisan Promoting Apprenticeships through Regional Training Networks for Employers’ Required Skills (PARTNERS) Act.

The PARTNERS Act would establish a grant program to support the creation and expansion of industry partnerships to help small and medium-sized businesses develop work-based learning programs and provide mentoring and support services for workers. It would allow businesses to partner together to develop group apprenticeship programs.

“Every time I meet with businesses in my district, I hear from them that they can’t find enough skilled workers,” said Guthrie. “Apprenticeships are a great way for people to learn new, applicable skills while earning money. Unfortunately, small and medium-sized businesses – the backbone of our growing economy – sometimes lack the resources to support a fully-fledged apprenticeship program. I was proud to cosponsor the bipartisan PARTNERS Act, which helps solve this problem by allowing smaller businesses to join together with other community partners to create work-based learning opportunities for individuals who most need them.”

Congressman Guthrie and Congresswoman Davis launched the bipartisan Congressional Apprenticeship Caucus last year to explore ways that Congress can support apprenticeships as a way for people to enter the workforce.

A summary of the PARTNERS Act can be found here.

