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Become a Citizen Cosponsor of H.R. 3350, the Keep Your Health Plan Act

Despite the Administration's Broken Promises, Americans Should be Able to Keep Their Health Plans

One of the key promises of Obamacare was that if you liked your health insurance plan, you could keep it. “No matter what.” But as NBC News now reports, “millions of Americans are getting…cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare.”  While the administration sticks to its broken promises, I have joined Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) in introducing the Keep Your Health Plan Act to provide peace of mind to Americans across the country who are currently receiving insurance termination notices. The House of Representatives will vote on this next week.

You can make your voice heard by becoming a Citizen Cosponsor of H.R. 3350, the Keep Your Health Plan Act. is an innovative platform that brings the American people into the legislative process. Users log in via Facebook and can show their support for issues they care about by becoming a Citizen Cosponsor of that bill. Citizen cosponsors are then updated on the status of their bills as they move through the various stages of the legislative process.

H.R. 3350, the Keep Your Health Plan Act, would allow health insurance plans currently available on the individual market to be offered next year. Additionally, the bill would allow Americans the choice to continue enrolling in those plans without being penalized under the individual mandate.

Become a Citizen Cosponsor of H.R. 3350, Keep Your Health Plan Act here.

Facing hardships as a result of the health law? I’d like to hear from you. Share your story here.

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