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ICYMI: Guthrie Opioid Bill Approved by Health Subcommittee

Washington, DC– The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee this week approved Congressman Brett Guthrie’s (KY-02) bill, the Comprehensive Opioid Recovery Centers Act (H.R. 5327). This bill would help opioid addiction patients receive care specifically tailored to their individual needs by establishing treatment centers that offer a range of FDA-approved recovery services, comprehensive care and job training. The Health Subcommittee approved the bill by a voice vote.

“Too many Kentuckians have fallen victim to the opioid crisis, and we must do everything we can to help those suffering from opioid addiction get proper care,” said Guthrie. “I was proud to sponsor this bipartisan bill to help address important aspects of opioid addiction recovery. I thank my colleagues on the Health Subcommittee for advancing this bill, and I’m hopeful we can send it to the House floor soon.”

Following the subcommittee markup, Guthrie’s bill, along with 55 other bills to combat the opioid crisis, must now be considered by the full Energy and Commerce Committee. After that, they will advance to the House floor for a vote.

