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Guthrie Votes to Fund U.S. Defense Operations, Key Military Health and Research Programs

The bill supports key readiness programs that prepare our troops for combat and peacetime missions, battle training and base operations.

Washington, DC– Congressman Brett Guthrie today voted in support of the Fiscal Year 2015 Defense Appropriations Bill.

The bill supports key readiness programs that prepare our troops for combat and peacetime missions, battle training and base operations. The measure also includes appropriate funding to address readiness shortfalls and funds to restore the unrealistic and harsh reductions to facility sustainment and modernization proposed by the Administration.

“Regardless of whether or not we are at war, our military must be prepared,” said Congressman Guthrie. “This bill provides the proper resources and funding so that our troops can answer any call that may come.”

The bill fully funds the 1.8 percent authorized pay raise for our military men and women, as well as provides for high quality medical care for our troops, military families and retirees.

The bill also provides increased funding for key health programs, including: traumatic brain injury and psychological health research, suicide prevention outreach programs and sexual assault prevention and response programs.

“Today’s soldiers are facing new challenges whether on the battlefield, when they return home, or following retirement from service. I hear from constituents regularly about the various problems our service members and their families are experiencing. We must ensure that treatment is available and accessible – and this bill aides in that process,” added Congressman Guthrie.
