Guthrie Urges Support for Opioid Legislation
Washington, DC,
April 19, 2018
Health Care
Washington, DC– Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) yesterday spoke on the House floor in support of two bills he has sponsored to help combat our nation’s opioid crisis. The Comprehensive Opioid Recovery Centers Act (H.R. 5327) would allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to award grants to treatment facilities in order to establish or operate comprehensive centers that provide a full range of treatment services tailored to patients’ individual needs to more effectively overcome addiction and reenter the workforce. The Maternal Opioid Treatment, Health, Education, and Recover Act, or MOTHER Act (H.R. 5492), would help health care providers more effectively treat pregnant women with opioid use disorder, as well as babies who are born experiencing opioid withdrawal. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) introduced a Senate companion bill today. “Everywhere I go in Kentucky’s Second District, I hear from people who have felt the impact of the opioid crisis,” said Guthrie on the House floor. “The range of people falling victim to opioid use disorder is vast, from babies born with opioid withdrawal to adults of all ages and backgrounds, even students, brothers and sisters, moms and dads. It doesn’t matter if someone becomes addicted to opioids after they sprained their ankle or following major surgery – anyone who has been prescribed opioid painkillers could be at risk, and we need to find a way to help the thousands of people who have in fact become addicted.” See below for the text of Congressman Guthrie’s remarks as prepared.
“On behalf of the 1,419 Kentuckians who died of an opioid overdose in 2016, and the countless more who are currently suffering from opioid addiction, I rise today in support of legislation to combat our nation’s opioid epidemic. “Everywhere I go in Kentucky’s Second District, I hear from people who have felt the impact of the opioid crisis. The range of people falling victim to opioid use disorder is vast, from babies born with opioid withdrawal to adults of all ages and backgrounds, even students, brothers and sisters, moms and dads. It doesn’t matter if someone becomes addicted to opioids after they sprained their ankle or following major surgery – anyone who has been prescribed opioid painkillers could be at risk, and we need to find a way to help the thousands of people who have in fact become addicted. “I recently introduced two pieces of legislation to combat our widespread opioid crisis. The first is the Comprehensive Opioid Recovery Centers Act of 2018. I was proud to introduce this bipartisan bill with Health Subcommittee Ranking Member Gene Green of Texas, Congressman Larry Bucschon of Indiana, and Congressman Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico. This bill addresses the current lack of comprehensive treatment options available to opioid use disorder patients. Currently, there is a wide range of treatment options, from faith-based abstinence programs to FDA-approved medications – but not everyone has access to the specific treatments they need. “Patients usually seek treatment from a facility convenient to them in their own community or from a facility that is covered by their insurance. However, most facilities only offer a single type of treatment, which may or may not work for each individual patient. The Comprehensive Opioid Recovery Centers Act would provide grant money to help create treatment centers where every FDA-approved option is available to each patient. These centers would also include intake services and help with reentering the community and provide data to the Department of Health and Human Services so that other treatment centers can learn and apply best practices to provide more patients with comprehensive care. “I also introduced the bipartisan Maternal Opioid Treatment, Health, Education, and Recovery Act, or MOTHER Act, with Congressman Ben Ray Lujan. Opioid addiction is a serious risk to anyone’s health, but it can be even more harmful and life-threatening for a pregnant woman and her child. This bill would help health care providers better treat pregnant women with opioid use disorder, as well as babies who are born experiencing opioid withdrawal. The MOTHER Act increases education about Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, which sadly affects babies whose mothers suffer from opioid use disorder, and the bill also provides resources for pregnant mothers and care givers. It highlights the need for responsible pain management for expectant mothers. “Our nation is in the middle of combatting a serious opioid epidemic, and all of us, on both sides of the aisle, can agree on the need to act with urgency on all fronts. I was proud to join with my Democratic colleagues to introduce two bipartisan bills that will address important aspects of the opioid crisis. I urge my colleagues to support the Comprehensive Opioid Recovery Centers Act and the MOTHER Act.”
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