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Guthrie Statement on Appointment of Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster to be National Security Advisor

Washington, DC– Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) today released the following statement on the appointment of Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster to be National Security Advisor:

“I am pleased that Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster has been named the President’s National Security Advisor. He is an outstanding choice.

“I first met General McMaster in 1983 when he was my squad leader during Cadet Basic Training at West Point. He gave me the nickname that my fellow West Pointers still call me. He was an outstanding leader as a senior cadet, he was a highly decorated soldier as a junior officer in the first Gulf War, and he is a thought leader on military policy.

“I wholeheartedly agree with those who have called General McMaster the ‘greatest soldier of his generation.’ I have followed his career with great interest and can say with confidence that General McMaster’s selection is the right choice for our country.”
