Guthrie Supports CR to Fund Government, Defund Obamacare
Washington, DC,
September 20, 2013
Health Care
Today, I was proud to vote with my Republican colleagues in supporting a measure that would not only continue to fund the government and ensure we do not default, but one that also defunds Obamacare in full.
Washington, DC– Congressman Brett Guthrie today issued the following statement after voting in support of H.J. Res. 59, the CR with Obamacare Defund and Full Faith and Credit: “Today, I was proud to vote with my Republican colleagues in supporting a measure that would not only continue to fund the government and ensure we do not default, but one that also defunds Obamacare in full. “We are 11 days away from the exchanges opening and I continue to hear from local business owners and families who remain confused as to what the future holds for their current health care plans. “Today’s vote was on a strong and responsible approach to put our country back on track and I hope it moves forward.” ### |