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Guthrie Supports House Budget

The budget will balance in 10 years without raising taxes on Kentucky families or businesses. This is in direct contrast with President Obama's proposed budget, which never balances and would add an additional $8.5 trillion to the national debt.

Washington, DCCongressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) issued the following statement after voting in support of the House budget introduced by Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (GA-06):

“This is a responsible budget that takes into account many of the priorities I’ve heard voiced by my fellow Kentuckians – adding a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution, repealing Obamacare in full, providing robust funding for our troops and their training, and strengthening Medicare by making structural reforms that ensure the program’s longevity.  The budget responsibly puts our country on sound financial footing, while preparing for the future.”

The budget will balance in 10 years without raising taxes on Kentucky families or businesses.  This is in direct contrast with President Obama’s proposed budget, which never balances and would add an additional $8.5 trillion to the national debt.