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Guthrie Speaks on House Floor about Health Care Reform

Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) spoke on the House floor today about health care reform.

Washington, DC Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) made the following remarks on the House floor today, Thursday, September 17, 2009.

“Over the recent district work period, I traveled to each county in my district, listening to constituents’ ideas and concerns, as well as answering questions.

“I heard overwhelmingly that a government-run public option was not a viable answer to the problems Americans are facing.

“The president gave a well delivered speech last week, but left many questions in the minds of the American people.

“How do we pay for such a bill? How can you cut funding from Medicare without impacting the millions of seniors who receive those benefits? And how will individuals, who are happy with their coverage, get to keep what they have?

“Everyone agrees on the need for improvement. However, we must move toward changes that make health care more affordable, more accessible and higher quality.

“We have an opportunity to work together to improve the lives of all Americans by crafting a bipartisan, common sense solution that our country can afford.”