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Pelosi Bill Exact Opposite of What Americans Wanted

Washington, DC – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) made the following remarks on the House floor Saturday, November 7, 2009, prior to voting on Speaker Pelosi's health care bill, H.R. 3962:

 ‘Republican alternative addresses Americans’ number-one priority for health care reform – lowering costs’ 

Washington, DCCongressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02) made the following remarks on the House floor Saturday, November 7, 2009, prior to voting on Speaker Pelosi’s health care bill, H.R. 3962:

“I have heard from many of my constituents who are worried about and anxious about Speaker Pelosi’s government takeover of health care.

“Speaker Pelosi’s bill spends $1.2 trillion dollars, cuts Medicare benefits, includes a $34 billion dollar unfunded Medicaid mandate, and it increases premiums for those already struggling to pay for health insurance.

“And on top of all of that, the bill raises taxes for just about everyone. The bill taxes individuals who choose not to purchase health insurance, taxes small businesses, taxes medical devices, and taxes health savings plans.

“This bill is the exact opposite of what Americans said they wanted.  The Republican alternative addresses Americans’ number-one priority for health care reform – lowering the cost of premiums they pay now. 

“The Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that our plan will lower health care premiums and reduce the deficit without taxing families and small businesses.

“I am voting no on Speaker Pelosi’s bill, because of the devastating consequences it will have on Kentucky’s families, seniors and small businesses.” 

To watch a video of Congressman Guthrie's floor remarks, please visit: